Monday, June 15, 2009

Money Spell

You can use patchouli oil or money drawing oil with this: Tools: 1 green candle; money oil and incense of your choice ( I like patchouli ) Timing: Waxing to Full moon.
Spell work: Charge candle with intentions, anoint with the oil while visualizing money coming to you in every aspect of your life. Place candle in holder and light. when ready, say the following: As this candle, I do light So money will come into sight. Everywhere I do turn, There will be money to burn. Money woes leave my life, No more worries, no more strife. Money I deserve come to me, Ever flowing like the sea. Start now and ever growing, As I plant, I soon will be sowing. Money come and never end, All this done, never bend. Take 3 green candles, some money oil (see below for recipe), some money incense (again) and a pouch filled with some change (doesn't matter how much but all silver should be preferred). The pouch should not be spent to don't go putting too much in it! Anoint the candles, your pouch and your receiving hand (right if you are right-handed, left if you are left-handed and whichever hand you usually use if you are ambidextrous) with the money oil. Now, light the candles while keeping your mind clear of all thoughts but attracting money to yourself. Pass the pouch over the flames of the three candles thinking of nothing else but attracting money to yourself. Next, light a charcoal and drop three drops of money oil on it. Pass the pouch through the smoke thinking only of attracting money to yourself. Next, put the incense on the charcoal and again pass the pouch over the smoke thinking of nothing but attracting money to yourself. Now, focusing on the pouch, see yourself being handed money into your receiving hand. See smiling, happy people who gain no hardship from giving you money passing it to you happily and freely. See money flying to you from all over and you receiving it into your receiving hand. Now see yourself with so much money you can also hand some to someone else who also has need of it. See yourself so rich from this spell that it is no hardship for you to pass a bit of your money on to that person. See yourself always receiving money into that receiving hand as long as you have the pouch. Now, allow the candles to burn down safely someplace but once you are ready to leave, pass your receiving hand over the candles and say: "By moon's silver light, this spell be done. By midnight light, this spell de done. Money come to me, this spell be done. I will accept all money which is sent to me, this spell be done. I am ready to accept money, this spell be done. So mote it be"

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