Monday, June 15, 2009

Fasting Preparation

Fasting Rules

In order to avoid complications, it is believed that the following steps could taken to prepare for a fast:
Prepare for an easier fast by a changing diet.
Make shorter fasts periodically
If one has been on to many drugs it is wiser to make first a long diet to gradually help clean the body.
Do not fast if you are pregnant or have a serious health condition before first ascertaining if fasting is right for you.

Rules to be followed during and after the fast:

Clean the lower intestines as well as you can with the enemas, at least every other day.
Before starting a longer fast, take a laxative occasionally, and especially the day before you start the fast
if possible, remain in the fresh air day and night.
Take a walk, exercise, or some other physical work only when you feel strong enough to do it.
If you are tired and weak rest and sleep as much as you can.
On days when you feel weak, and you will experience such days when the waste in the circulation, you will find that you sleep is restless and disturbed and you experience bad dreams. This is caused by the poisons passing through the brain.
Whenever you arise after lying down, do it slowly, otherwise you become dizzy. The latter condition is not serious, but it is better to avoid.

After the fast

The first meal and the menus for a few days after a fast must be of a laxative effect, not of nourishing value. The sooner the first meal passes the body the more efficiently it carries out the loosened mucus and poisons of the intestines and the stomach. If no good stool is experienced after two or three hours- help with laxative foods after a fast are fresh sweet fruits, best of all cherries and grapes, then a little soaked or stewed prunes. These fruits must not be used after a meat eater’s fast. But only for people who have lived for a certain time on mucus poor ( stewed spinach has an especially good effect); If the first meal does not cause any unpleasantness, you may eat as much as you can, If you are in the proper condition so that you can start eating with fruits, and you have no bowel movement, after about an hour, then eat more or eat vegetable meal as suggested above. Eat until you bring out the waste accumulated during the fast with your stool, after eating the first meal.”

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