Monday, June 15, 2009

How to Prepare Voodoo Doll

How to Prepare your Voodoo Doll for Ritual Use

The process for making a Voodoo doll to use in ritual and meditation involves charging it. Charging is an essential part of any type of magick system. This is a relatively simple process, assuming you have the ability to focus and direct your energy towards a target object. You can charge any kind of object, from sigils and talismans, to dolls and mojo bags.
Classic ritual charging requires directing your energy towards something and feeding it with your energy. When you draw a sigil or create a talisman, all you have to do is place your hand over the drawing and focus your intention. However, to charge a Voodoo doll, you must complete at least three, if not four steps, depending on the nature of the work. The four steps are: (a) clearing, (b) creation, and (c) consecration, and (d) baptism. Note that you will not have to baptize your doll unless you want to name it. I will describe these steps in further detail in the following sections.

Clearing an object is the process by which you neutralize or remove the energy that exists in it. In essence, clearing gives you a clean slate from which to perform your ritual work. This is a necessary step to perform prior to creating your doll and ultimately consecrating or baptizing it.
There are a number of items that are needed to create a Voodoo doll. Aside from the natural items obtained from Mother Earth, there may be beads, buttons, fabric, thread, paint, glue, feathers, string, etc. Think about the number of hands each of these items has been through in the process of their own creation. Brand new items will be relatively clear, but will still have residual energy from the people and/or machines that created them. If you are using items given to you by someone else, items that you bought, or items won in an auction, there will be energy attached to the items that are not aligned with your specific purpose. On the other hand, if you are using items given to you by a mentor or teacher, or items that have been blessed by a priestess, then you may want to retain that energy and supplement it with your own.
There are many ways to clear an object. For example, you can place your hand over the object and direct your energy through it, you can wash the item with saltwater, you can sprinkle the item with salt, you can smudge it with purifying incense such as sandalwood or sage, you can place it in the sunlight or moonlight, or you can bury it in the earth and allow Mother earth to transform the energy. It doesn’t matter which of these methods you choose - just pick one and do it!
Creating a Voodoo doll for use in ritual work involves more than merely slapping together a couple of sticks, and wrapping them with moss and cloth. It is a creative process that involves your will and imagination, changing your mind state, and directing your energy.
The entire act of creating a Voodoo doll is part of the charging process. For some, the process of creating a Voodoo doll is a conjuring process. I cannot emphasize this enough. This is why it is extremely important to be mindful of your intent and exercise self discipline with regards to your behavior during this process, including your thoughts and the words that you speak. You must prepare to mesmerize. If you are unable or unwilling to do this, then you have no business working any kind of magick, much less creating a Voodoo doll.
The first thing you should do is anoint yourself with some holy oil or Seven African Powers oil and say a short prayer or meditation asking the Universe or Higher Power to work with you in the process and help you to accomplish your goals. Try to achieve a trance like state that is in complete harmony with the change you desire to create (this is mesmerizing). You will be able to feel it when you have achieved this. You may feel a little dreamy and calm, and you may feel like you have your feet in two worlds; one in the world of Spirit, and the other in the world of the mundane. This simple act helps to put your mind, heart, and spirit in the right place for creating your doll.
While it is not completely necessary, you can be mindful of the phase of the moon when creating your Voodoo doll. For example, it is good to create your doll when the moon is waxing (growing larger) for drawing rituals. Drawing spells are spells that involve bringing something to you, such as love, luck, or money. It is good to create your doll when the moon is waning (growing smaller) for banishing spells, or spells of a negative nature like hexing.
Next, it is essential that you are mindful of your intent for creating the doll. If you are creating a doll to bring you luck in financial matters for example, you will want to focus all of your thoughts and energy on having money, paying off your debts, or whatever may be the case. You should visualize success in whatever your intent is, as this is part of the manifesting process.
Finally, be mindful of the words you speak. Words are energy, and whatever tone and subject you project will be projected right into your doll. So it is wise not to yell, curse, gossip, or otherwise speak negatively while creating your doll. If you do so you will be capturing that energy into the doll and your doll will be the essence of the feelings and words used during its creation.

The final order of business for ritually charging a Voodoo doll is to consecrate the doll. The act of consecration involves opening up to and tapping into the Universal Divine force from which all possibilities, solutions, and miracles emanate. To consecrate an object for ritual use is to connect to this Universal Divine force and to declare sacred or appropriate for sacred use the object at hand.
Consecrating an object removes any negativity that may be attached to the object and purifies it. It removes the vibrational energies of anyone who has handled the object other than you. This is the foundation of any effective magick or ceremonial work.
To consecrate your Voodoo doll, you will consecrate the items you use to create the Voodoo doll, as well as the Voodoo doll itself once it is completed. To do so is a simple process. You will need your materials (prior to creation), your Voodoo doll (once it is completed), a white candle, and some sage, cedar, or sandalwood incense, and something to burn the herbs or incense in, such as a shell or fireproof dish. So, you will perform a consecration twice: once with the materials used to create the doll, and once after the doll is created. To perform the consecration, follow the steps outlined below.

Step One
Light a white candle. White is the color for purity. Light the herbs or incense.

Step Two
Pass the object through the smoke. This is referred to as "smudging". Repeat the following:

“I hereby consecrate this (name the item) with the powers of earth, water, fire, air, and spirit. That it shall be used only for good, according to my will and Divine law. May it serve me well in this world, between worlds, and in all worlds. So Mote It Be.”

Repeat Step Two 6 more times, for a total of seven times. Your objects will now be ready for ritual use. You may personalize what you say; the above is only meant as a guideline. There is no one right way to consecrate an object, place, or person in terms of the words spoken.
Once consecrated, you should not allow others to handle the items or the doll. After consecrating your doll, place it on an altar, or wrap it up safely in a white bag or cloth and put in a safe place where it will not be disturbed.

If you have created a doll or poppet to represent another person, you will need to baptize the doll in the name of your target. Naming the doll is the first step to awakening it, or making it come to life. To perform a Voodoo doll baptism, you will need some holy water or holy anointing oil and the doll.

How to Baptize a Voodoo Doll
Light a white candle. Repeat the following words, replacing (Name) with the name of your doll, and using the name of your personal Higher Power as appropriate.

“I baptize thee (Name), in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost (you may substitute your personal Higher Power here). In life, this is now that who I wish you to be. All that is asked of you happens now as I so do command.”

“As day goes by and time is infinite, I alone now control the deepest desires, dreams, and actions of (Name of doll or person whom the doll represents). Your life is now as joyful servant to me and my family, you are mine to control, for my purpose alone.”

If the doll is to function as an heirloom doll, add the following:

“I welcome (Name) to my home, to my family, and to generations to come. May (Name) only bring pleasure, protection, and profit to me, my family, and my descendents, forever and always, it is now governed, shaped, and controlled only by me. “

End baptism ritual by saying:

“With the highest blessings of our most High Lord. So mote it be.”

Sprinkle a little Holy water on the doll, and the baptism is complete.

If this will be an heirloom doll, this baptism ritual should be passed down to the next generation where the keeper of the doll should repeat the ritual at the time they take possession of the doll.

A Word of Warning
Do not baptize or name your doll unless you intend to use it. There are numerous stories of people having done exactly that, only to be plagued by ill fortune assumed to be associated with the doll.

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